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Tsallis non-extensive statistics, intermittent turbulence, SOC and chaos in the solar plasma. Part one: Sunspot dynamics

机译:Tsallis非广泛统计,间歇性湍流,sOC和混乱   在太阳能等离子体中。第一部分:太阳黑子动态



In this study, the nonlinear analysis of the sunspot index is embedded in thenon-extensive statistical theory of Tsallis. The triplet of Tsallis, as well asthe correlation dimension and the Lyapunov exponent spectrum were estimated forthe SVD components of the sunspot index timeseries. Also the multifractalscaling exponent spectrum, the generalized Renyi dimension spectrum and thespectrum of the structure function exponents were estimated experimentally andtheoretically by using the entropy principle included in Tsallis non extensivestatistical theory, following Arimitsu and Arimitsu. Our analysis showedclearly the following: a) a phase transition process in the solar dynamics fromhigh dimensional non Gaussian SOC state to a low dimensional non Gaussianchaotic state, b) strong intermittent solar turbulence and anomalous(multifractal) diffusion solar process, which is strengthened as the solardynamics makes phase transition to low dimensional chaos in accordance toRuzmaikin, Zeleny and Milovanov studies c) faithful agreement of Tsallis nonequilibrium statistical theory with the experimental estimations of i)non-Gaussian probability distribution function, ii) multifractal scalingexponent spectrum and generalized Renyi dimension spectrum, iii) exponentspectrum of the structure functions estimated for the sunspot index and itsunderlying non equilibrium solar dynamics.
机译:在这项研究中,黑子指数的非线性分析被嵌入到Tsallis的非扩展统计理论中。对太阳黑子指数时间序列的SVD分量,估计了Tsallis的三元组以及相关维数和Lyapunov指数谱。继有光和有光之后,利用Tsallis非广义统计理论中包含的熵原理,通过实验和理论估算了多重分形标度谱,广义Renyi维数谱和结构函数指数谱。我们的分析清楚地表明以下内容:a)太阳动力学从高维非高斯SOC态到低维非高斯混沌态的相变过程,b)强间歇性太阳湍流和反常(多重分形)扩散太阳过程,随着根据Ruzmaikin,Zeleny和Milovanov的研究,太阳动力学使相变转变为低维混沌。c)Tsallis非平衡统计理论与i)非高斯概率分布函数,ii)多重分形标度指数谱和广义Renyi维谱的实验估计的真实一致, iii)为太阳黑子指数及其背后的非平衡太阳动力学估计的结构函数的指数谱。



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